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How Do You Score a Silicone Bowl with a Kalouds?

Where Do We Start to Score the Bowl? Let's assume that the hookah is already washed and assembled, the flask is filled with water. Now you need to prepare the tobacco, which you will put in a silicone bowl.
All you have to do is:
Pour the smoking mixture on a table or board and loosen it with your fingers;
If it is too wet - gently squeeze it with a napkin to remove excess liquid;
If necessary - recombine it, remove sticks and other unnecessary inclusions.
Now we begin to hammer the bowl. It is advisable to fluff the tobacco and stack it so that air can flow freely through the layer of the smoking mixture.
It does not matter if you use a clay bowl or a silicone one; you will get a good smoke. So, the smoking mixture is laid down.
What's next? What else do you need to pay attention to? Peculiarities of Kalouds Cramming Should you leave an air space between the tobacco and the bottom of the metal container that you place on top?
The traditional approach to hookah smoking recommends doing exactly that. The thing is, if you cover tobacco in a clay or silicone bowl with foil without leaving an air layer it will start to burn and the smoke will become bitter.
If you're using a shisha head with a kalouds, that problem might arise. But, on the other hand, you can easily adjust the temperature of the coals by moving the flaps, and achieve that the smoking mixture will get hot but not start to burn.

So there is an alternative opinion: pour the tobacco in such a way that it touches the kalouds and fear nothing. However, this is more of an option for experienced smokers who know how to control the heat coming from the charcoal. If you have just recently joined the ranks of fans of aromatic smoke, use the traditional recipe and leave a free space between the bottom of the kalouds and the tobacco. The rest is easy.
You heat coals, wait until they become red-hot, then you put them in a metal container and close the lid. You wait a few minutes until the tobacco is thoroughly heated, and then you can start smoking.
Enjoy Fam!

Is there any harm in smoking hookah

Hookah smoking is not only one of the ways to spend time and relax, but a certain special ritual and element of Eastern culture. Is hookah smoking harmful to health? It's a controversial question. Some believe that it is an absolutely harmless process. Others, that one session is equivalent to smoking a hundred cigarettes at once. There are those who do not have an established opinion on this matter.

What is harmful in a hookah? The most obvious fact is that the process of smoking can not be beneficial: a certain amount of nicotine enters the body. There is an opinion that all harmful impurities are filtered by water. But the flask filled with liquid, although it acts as a filter, but does not clean the smoke completely. The temperature of the coals, allows the tobacco not to burn, as when smoking cigarettes, but to smolder. But the result in both cases is the same - the body is poisoned with nicotine and harmful impurities. Only when smoking cigarettes it happens quickly, when smoking waterpipe - slower. The processes of smoking cigarettes and inhaling hookah smoke are different. While when smoking cigarettes, nicotine is very harmful to health, when smoking a hookah, it is the smoke. During one hour of hookah smoking, so much carbon monoxide enters the human body, which causes the effect of "Oxygen deprivation". It can make you feel dizzy. Hookah tobacco contains less tar, benzene, formaldehyde, and other toxic components, but this does not mean that it is safe. The bitter taste inherent in tobacco is eliminated in hookah tobacco. Hookah is rarely smoked alone. Much more often it is smoked in a big company. When you smoke hookah, a lot of saliva is produced and much of it ends up in the liquid filter of the hookah. Through saliva can transmit diseases such as herpes, hepatitis B and others.

How to minimize harm.
 A few simple rules to reduce health harms:
 Use only specialty tobacco and smoking blends for your hookah;
You should not pour alcohol into the bowl, as well as combine smoking hookah with drinking alcohol;
Always rinse the shisha hoses and flask;
Use disposable mouthpieces when smoking with the company.

Most importantly, smoke with breaks, the duration of hookah smoking in company should not be more than 40-60 minutes.

Also, buy shisha in quality stores where you can find quality products.

Hookah pulling

Hookah draft is how hard you have to draw in air to get it through the bowl, shaft and flask before it reaches your lungs. An easy hookah draw is when the smoke is drawn in without much effort. Often liked by girls and usually judged by sophisticated hookah lovers. The classic draw is considered to be a rather heavy draw with a little effort on hookahs with a relatively wide diameter of shaft.

What does hookah draft depend on?
The draft level of a hookah depends on such factors as:
The diameter of the shaft;
The shisha head and the way it is clogged;
The flask and presence of a diffuser;
Diameter of the mouthpiece.

Why do I need a diffuser?
A hookah diffuser is used to divide the air flow from one into several smaller ones, resulting in a large number of small bubbles. This is said to filter the smoke better, reduce noise when you smoke, and decrease the effort required to smoke.
Pulling smoke with a diffuser becomes easier and more enjoyable. Modern hookahs use new diffusers that allow you to regulate the draft of the hookah by changing the state of the diffuser - changing the number of open holes.

Why must you blow out (Purge)

It is almost impossible to smoke a hookah that is bitter, and it is clearly not enjoyable.
Why is a hookah bitter?
There are several reasons: Improper location of coals - if the coals are in the center, the tobacco burns faster;
Depth of puff;
An overfilled shisha head or an unblown hookah.

A special role in a hookah is played by a valve, which is responsible for ensuring that the shisha flasks does not accumulate unnecessary charcoal air.
The valve is present in almost all modern hookahs, but its design and strength of resistance may be different.
The standard element of the valve is a ball inside it, which when inhaled clogs the blow hole and when pressed from the inside opens it. If you blow too much, there is still a chance of flooding the bowl. To avoid flooding the tobacco mixture with water, before blowing it is advisable to check whether the ball in the valve is not stuck. But a lot depends also on the hookah.
Why do you need to blow waterpipe?
Blowing helps to cope with the problem of bitterness in the process of smoking. This maneuver allows you to remove carbon monoxide accumulated during smoking. Blowing should be slow so that the water from the flask does not rise up the shaft.
Stable blowing after several puffs helps to stabilize the temperature in the bowl and prevents overheating. For every ten puffs you should make one exhalation into the hose. This eliminates the possibility of overheating: the more often you blow the hookah, the better it is for the tobacco mixture located in the hookah bowl.
If you have blown, but the taste of bitterness is still there?
It happens too! There is tobacco that is very difficult to reanimate or is completely burnt. A few ways to resuscitate the hookah:
Remove the coals and set them aside, then blow the hookah;

Unscrew the valve, take out the ball and rinse it with water. After rinsing, screw the valve back on.

Blow again. If the tobacco began to bitter after 50-60 minutes - this is normal. It's just worth noticing the clogging or stopping the smoking process.

Types of Hookah Clogs (Packs)

In this article we will analyze the main types of clogs and what they are used for.
There are many variants of clogging tobacco in a bowl and each of them differs in some factors, the main of which are flavor transfer, heating time, strength.
1. Standard Air Clogging Pre-mixed tobacco, to fully saturate it with syrup, make an indentation from the edge of the bowl at 2-3 mm and small portions of "air" begin to stack tobacco in a bowl. This is done to ensure that the air flows to the lower layers of the bowl during the smoking of hookah. When you do this, tobacco due to its airiness will give a richer flavor and strength.
2. Dense Clogging Before you fill up the tobacco, you do not need to stir it; just take a large handful and put it in the bowl. Then lay it down tightly, slightly pressing, and be sure to indent 2-3 mm from the edges of the bowl. This will allow you to fit more tobacco in the cup, which will increase the smoking time, but change the draught to a "heavier" at the expense of the density of tobacco.
3. Clogging with a "Well" This jamming is not suitable for all bowls, since the design of many bowls already laid "well". You can put tobacco in a bowl in different ways (air or tight), and then in the center of the bowl is "well". The "well" itself serves for a better and more pleasant draught, it also reduces the strength of tobacco. Ideal for those who like a "light" hookah.
4. Sector and Layering These are two styles of clogging suitable for making mixes. The tobacco is smoked by sectors (50/50, 50/25/25). In this case all the flavors in a bowl are mixed and something unique is obtained. It is important to choose tobaccos correctly so that you don't get a "soapy" taste. It is better to monitor the best combination of flavors beforehand. In the case of puffing, tobacco is laid on top of each other in different flavor variations. In the process of smoking on such clogging, the flavors will gradually unfold as the layers burn.
5. Touching Hammering The point of this clogging is that while clogging the tobacco in a bowl you do not make the same indentation (2-3 mm) from the caladium as in any other clogging. On the contrary, put tobacco with a hill, stacking in 2-3 mm from the edges of the bowl. It is worth paying attention to the fact that such clogging is suitable only for heat-resistant tobacco. It will give more strength due to the contact of the tobacco with the kalouds and increases the smoking time. This is the only hammering that does not require a long heating, because the tobacco takes the temperature immediately upon contact with the kalouds.
After waiting literally 2 minutes you can start smoking.
Do you want to buy shisha head?
The managers of our online store will tell you.

Coconut Charcoal for Hookah – Perfect Taste When Smoking

For the preparation of a good hookah, all the constituent elements are important.
Special attention should be paid to the choice of high-quality coal.
Most often, preference is given to natural compounds, namely coconut charcoal. It was appreciated by both beginners and experienced smokers. Coconut Charcoal Production Method Coconut charcoal for hookah is truly a unique product that is made from the first outer shell of a coconut using a special technology.
Before making shisha coals, all raw materials are well dried in the sun. Next, the shell, divided into parts, is burned, then sifted to remove dust and dirt. In a mixer, the shell is ground and mixed with a sticky substance of natural origin. Then the press machine divides the mass into coals of the required size.
Advantages of Using Coconut Charcoals The choice of consumers in favor of coconut coal is obvious, since it has numerous advantages: the warm-up time is 5-7 minutes;
it burns for a longer time, about 1.5 hours;
high burning temperature;
does not sparkle during the ignition process;
there is no foreign smell and taste;
eco-friendly product.

How to Choose High-Quality Shisha Charcoal Hookah fans know how important coal is, since the taste and aroma of inhaled tobacco depends on its quality. But when asked which coconut charcoal is better for a hookah, they may face ignorance of how to distinguish it and what kind to choose. It is important to remember that you should not focus solely on the labels on the packaging. If there is no personal experience of purchasing and using coconut charcoal, then it is worth getting acquainted with the characteristics of products of various brands, taking into account consumer reviews and choosing the best option. The best coconut charcoal for hookah is the one that is well compressed, slowly smoulders, keeps the heat well, does not emit an unpleasant smell when lit.
The composition should not contain saltpeter and any chemical additives. Excellent quality goods are sold by such brands as Al Mani, Cocogold, Hookah John Titaniums.
The shape of the coals, their size and quantity in the package may be different, depending on the manufacturer.

Basic Principles of Coconut Charcoal.
Kindling The duration and quality of hookah smoking directly depend on such indicators as:
the correctness of the clogging of the bowl,
the tightness of the collection of all elements, tobacco mix and, undoubtedly, the quality of heating coals. Today, experts can use several different ways of how to heat coconut charcoal for a hookah. Devices for heating charcoals for hookah:
With a turbo lighter. In the case when it is planned to smoke a hookah on coconut charcoal in nature, where there is no access to electric stove then gas stoves can be used, This is a practical, convenient and versatile device.
Its advantages: compactness, uniform heating of coals, aesthetic appeal. Thanks to this device, a hookah on coconut charcoal can be cooked quickly enough; The coals will need to be placed in the very center of the fire and carefully monitor that the heating is uniform. They should be red on both sides. If you were looking for the most expeditious method of how to quickly ignite coconut charcoal for a hookah, then a gas stove will be the most optimal solution;
On a spiral or with round burners electric heater. A more complicated way is to heat the coals with the help of just such household appliances. The difficulty of using it is that the coals cannot be placed directly on the spiral or the heating element, as the surface of the plate may deteriorate. The coals warm up slowly, it is required to turn over more often. High-quality coconut charcoals will allow you to enjoy the pleasant aroma of the selected tobacco for a long time.

Check out our options for lighting your coals

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Lady Killer - ASHISHA

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Al-Mani Coco Premium - 1Kg - 25mm - ASHISHA

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Gum Mint - ASHISHA
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How to Make a Clouds

Smoking a hookah is always enjoyable, flavorful and very exciting. But it is one thing just to enjoy smoking hookah and quite another to cook it, especially if you want to get a really delicious and flavorful smoke.
In this regard, it is this article is devoted to how to make clouds, what affects this indicator and what tobacco to choose for this purpose. So, follow our advice, and you will definitely be able to achieve the desired result.

So how does one make smoke? The fact that hookah is loved because of its pleasant taste and stunning aroma is no secret. Similarly, the fact that people like hookah because of the smoke, which the more, the better. In addition, many people prefer the smoke than the taste of hookah. In this regard, we will take a closer look at the stages of making a smoky hookah and what affects this indicator.

Choose tobacco that contains a decent amount of glycerin. It is this component that contributes to the formation of vapor in a hookah, and the vapor is the smoke. And the more glycerin, the more smoke.
The bowl needs to be well heated, this is at least 3 minutes after the shisha charcoal is placed on it. This will help the walls of the bowl to warm up well and thus warm up the tobacco. Fill the bowl to about 2/3 of its part. At the same time to ram the tobacco is contraindicated, it is better to do it with the air method of ramming. Make sure all parts of the hookah are tightly touching each other and do not let air inside the device.
Otherwise, you should not expect smokiness, and the quality of smoking will be far from that.

Tips for Making a Smoky Hookah
And now about how to properly score a hookah, so that the result will be a smoke.
So follow these recommendations:
The flask is filled to the level so that the shaft sinks into the liquid by about 2-3 cm. Otherwise, the smoke will be difficult to move, and the water itself can get into the shisha hose. With the help of gaskets, you can adjust the tightness of the joints, making them as tight as possible. Take the selected tobacco, without wringing it out, fill the bowl with it. If you ignore this point, the tobacco will lose the glycerin necessary for smokiness. The tobacco mixture itself is air-filled, but not tamped down, as air will be difficult to get through the tobacco and there will be little smoke in the end.

It is important to prevent the tobacco from touching the foil.
Having moved the coals to the bowl, we wait until it warms up, and then we can start smoking our hookah. Knowing, and especially considering all the above recommendations, you will definitely have a smoky hookah. And if you are a beginner, it is better to buy a kaloud, which will save you from all the manipulations with the foil.



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Why am i getting a headache when i smoke? 

This is the worst thing that you could experience if you get headaches while smoking your shisha. There is a few problems causing this. STAY HYDRATED, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE EATEN, OR THE CHARCOALS YOU USE OR THE BRAND OF THE FLAVOR YOU SMOKING. Lets break it down for you. 
Hookah gourmands say in one voice that drinking while smoking is a must. The reason is quite simple and physiological. Smoke tends to dehydrate the cells of the human body, and if you don't compensate for this with liquid, then not the most pleasant consequences are likely - dry mouth and headaches are ensured. Therefore, when buying a hookah, think in advance what drink would be a great addition to it.
Tea - The best friend
Oriental hookah lovers have always accompanied hookah ceremonies with abundant consumption of green or black tea without sugar, not to interrupt the flavor and aroma of the smoke, but only to improve the taste. Oriental tea of different varieties gives the hookah a special aftertaste, and if you dive deeper into the subject of tea, you can even learn how to select a particular drink for a different kind of tobacco. Competently prepared tea in combination with hookah smoke can give you incomparable taste sensations. To start with, try the wonderful Milk oolong variety, and then experiment with different teas, because everyone's taste for tea is different. Here's a short list of teas that would be perfect with a shisha:
Fruit tea.
Milk Rooibos.
Traditional Indian Masala Tea.
Coffee Is a Good Alternative
Coffee and waterpipe smoke are on different poles by their properties - coffee beans increase blood pressure, while waterpipe smoke, on the contrary, helps to lower it. As a result, the use of strong coffee with waterpipe will give you an interesting effect, especially if the drink is brewed from natural beans and has a rich aroma and taste, especially this is famous for real Turkish coffee. Add a chocolate mixture and you get just an extravaganza of exotic flavors. It Is Better to Forget About Juices Fruit juice is not the best choice when smoking hookah because it tends to negate the aromatic and gustatory effect of the most saturated smoking mixes. In an overabundance of glucose you can forget about replenishing moisture in the body. Juice and hookah - these two pleasures are best not mixed, even if we're talking about fresh juices. It's either one or the other.
Drinking Water
A sip of cool water with lemon is just what you need in a good hookah. Water will replenish the balance of fluids in the body and give the smoke an interesting flavor if you add a slice of lemon to it. Drink chilled non-carbonated water - it will moisten the mouth, relieve the feeling of dryness, and also help to avoid headaches. Important! Carbonated water makes you thirsty, and in combination with smoking it will only intensify.
It would be a big mistake to neglect this seemingly simple drink. Well, really, what can a glass of plain milk add to a hookah? The same could be thought about water, but we have already learned that not everything is so simple. Ordering a glass of milk is the right decision. Those who have tried slowly sipping milk in small sips while smoking coconut or mint hookah, confirm in chorus that the taste of smoke gets an indescribable milky hue. Milk has its advantages, perfectly combines with sweet and spicy flavors, unexpectedly revealing them. The taste is similar to a milky fruit cocktail. It is better not to take too fatty milk and take into account the body's reaction to such a drink.
Let's Say "NO" to Alcohol
Alcohol in combination with hookah in modern Russian restaurants is practically the norm. And the fact that there is nothing more damaging to the taste of smoke than the accompanying consumption of alcoholic beverages does not stop the citizens. A glass of wine is sure to turn off the taste buds, leaving the smoker without pleasure, also giving him a headache in the morning. If you can ruin a good shisha with anything - it's alcohol. And last, but not least. Another mistake made by hobbyists and beginners is to smoke on an empty stomach. Everything is important in hookah smoking - the technique, the drinks, the mix, etc. Seem complicated? No, you just need to respect this ancient, delicate tradition and not to invent additional "pleasures" that will only spoil the whole process.

What's the Best Thing to Eat with a Hookah?
Even though hookah itself is an exquisite dish, a pleasant addition to a refined conversation, to consume it on an empty stomach is categorically wrong - it is fraught only with a dry mouth and a headache. In any restaurant that knows the principles and nuances of hookah smoking it is never without sweets, fruit and other dishes - obligatory attribute of classic hookah ceremonies.
Hookah is an oriental invention, so the delicacies are appropriate: Turkish delight, baklava, churchella, halva. Not all establishments have a rich selection of oriental cuisine, so as an alternative: cakes, fruit desserts, jellies, sweet pies and pastries. Chocolate doesn't always suit the fruit flavors of hookahs, but it goes well with coffee flavors.
The best appetizer! Vegetables too, but that's up to the individual. Berries and fruits are refreshing, do not overfill the stomach, saturate with nutrients, quench thirst. Capital stuffed with them will not work, but we need it. Fruit sets are the best for smoking hookahs. You can put on the table the usual oranges, mandarins, bananas, apples, but also something more exotic, or rather more familiar to this Eastern tradition. Pomegranate, strawberries, cherries will only beautify your evening and give you an unforgettable experience. If you're looking for a special flavor, why not try melon and use tobacco with a similar flavor in the bowl? Dare, there is almost no horizon for experimentation. Snacks
In this case, there are no contraindications - it all depends on personal preferences. Do you like nuts, crackers and chips? Please, no one can forbid you. In addition, some manufacturers of hookah tobacco release flavors of cheese, gazpacho, - with them salty snacks will not be superfluous.
What About Fast Food?
Are you saying it's definitely redundant? It seems to be. How can you smoke the ancient and glorious hookah along with the symbol of modern consumption - hamburgers and fries? However, there are quite a few hookah smoking fans who support this snack format. They also once were skeptics, but once tried a hot cheeseburger with hookah smoke, then could not imagine the evening without it. The main thing, as usual, not to overdo it. On the table at the hookah gourmet can not just see: and whipped cream and different kinds of cheeses, feta cheese and parmesan. Some enjoy crunching chips or even popcorn. We won't limit you in this case, but warn you that you shouldn't overdo it with food while smoking hookah. This is especially true for a copious amount of spicy or greasy food. You can have a hearty meal later in a different environment. The main purpose of smoking the bowl should be a leisurely smoking and a pleasant conversation.
In Conclusion
The more natural and dietary your snack is, the better. The best food for hookah: soft sweets (halva, cakes and pies, pastries), fresh fruit or vegetables.
Worst food: too dense and fatty food (fast food)

As you may of read in one of our topics above it is always best to smoke with coconut coals. There is a number of benefits from it. Healthwise for you and your friends or the people around you. Quicklite charcoal is created with alot of poisonous chemicals that causes alot of headaches. Once these are heated it releases toxic gases within your lungs. Coconut coals are the best as these are organic. If you didnt read the article above, please do so. 
Tobacco brands
Mmmm, many of you may wonder "WHY?", But let us tell you. When you purchase really cheap flavours (we wont mention any names as this platform is not to tarnish any brands) then you asking for problems. Firstly, The flavours are not pure and they use cheap grade glycerine which can be toxic too when heated. Its always best to experiment, yes.. But try aim for purchasing more premium brands that are also affordable. Imported products such as Adalya is one of the leading brands in the world. The ingrediaents they use in their flavouring process is of high quality. If you not sure just ask around. We have whatsapp groups where we share lots of information if needed between the members and admin. There are many brands but we want to help you have amazing sessions and do it safely. 

There is so much we can say about this topic, you are welcome to contact us if you need any further assistance. We are always happy to help out where we can. 
We hope these articles have been helpful.